Excessive Hand Sweating: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

When your hands sweat a lot, more than what is necessary to keep cool, you might be suffering from a condition called hyperhidrosis. It’s a common issue, affecting many people around the globe. This condition can cause discomfort, embarrassment, and interfere with everyday tasks. This article elaborates on the causes, symptoms, and potential treatments of excessive hand sweating, including hyperhidrosis surgery hands and feet.

Causes of Excessive Hand Sweating

Hyperhidrosis is often thought to be a result of overactive sweat glands. In the case of primary hyperhidrosis, the excessive sweating is the main problem and is not caused by other health conditions or side effects of medications. Secondary hyperhidrosis, however, is excessive sweating due to medical conditions such as diabetes, menopause, thyroid problems, or certain types of medication.

Specific triggers may also activate the sweat glands causing sweaty palms. These include stress, nervousness, anxiety, and even certain foods and drinks. Regardless of the cause, people with hyperhidrosis often find themselves in awkward situations such as unable to shake hands or hold a pen properly due to the excessive sweat.


The primary symptom of hyperhidrosis is wet, clammy hands that sweat excessively, often without a clear trigger. Others symptoms could include noticeable sweat stains on clothing, avoidance of handshakes, and discomfort when handling objects due to slippery palms.


Several treatment options are available for people suffering from excessive hand sweating. Mild cases can be managed with antiperspirants, lifestyle changes like avoiding triggers, and home remedies such as soaking your hands in tea or vinegar solutions.

In more severe cases, medical treatments are necessary. These include iontophoresis, a procedure in which a medical device uses water to conduct a mild electrical current through the skin’s surface. Botox injections are also an option, blocking the nerves that trigger sweat glands.

Hyperhidrosis Surgery Hands and Feet

For those who don’t find relief through these methods, surgical options exist, with hyperhidrosis surgery hands and feet being one of them. This surgery, also known as Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy (ETS), involves cutting or destroying certain nerves in the hands to stop the excessive sweating. It’s highly effective, but it’s considered as the last resort because of the potential complications, like compensatory sweating (excessive sweating in other areas to compensate).


Excessive sweating from hands, a condition also known as hyperhidrosis, can cause significant discomfort and embarrassment. Understanding the potential causes can be a step towards managing the condition. From lifestyle changes and home remedies to medical treatments and surgical interventions such as hyperhidrosis surgery hands and feet, numerous solutions exist to help individuals lead a more comfortable life. Always consult a medical professional for accurate diagnosis and treatment.